Day +51
We are about half way to day 100. I feel like it has taken forever to get to this point but we are grateful Dale continues to do well. We went to clinic at UCLA twice this week. The wbc and ANC have been stable. The ANC is around 4,000. The Hgb is still 9.6 . The plts are now 97,000. Dale has not needed another transfusion since his discharge from the hospital. Because the platelets have been over 50,000 for more than a week, Dale can now use a toothbrush to brush his teeth instead of the sponge toothettes and he can ride his bike as long as he wears a helmet. The liver enzymes have been about the same. The last AST - 60 ALT - 173 and total bili - 0.7. Since they added the Cellcept (another immunosupressant) the doctors have been slowly tapering his steroids (prednisone). His face and body are puffy from the prednisone so it will be good to get him off of it. The progress is slow but steady. Derek is now home all day because of spring break and follows Dale around the house. We are all happy to be on spring break. Have a great Easter Sunday. Thank you for your prayers. Grace and peace to you all....
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